Planetary Alignments You Won’t Want to Miss!

Most nights, you can spot at least one planet in the sky. But every once in a while, multiple planets line up.

This creates a spectacular celestial event known as a "planetary alignment" or planet parade.

Why Do Planets Align?

The planets in our solar system orbit on a flat, disc-shaped plane, meaning they always appear along a line in the sky known as the ecliptic plane. When several planets cluster together along this arc, we get a rare chance to see four or even five planets at once with the naked eye! Notably, the planets do orbit at different speeds and distances from the Sun. As such, although there are moments when they appear to line up from Earth's perspective, the planets remain separated by vast distances in space.

Why Does This Matter?

These alignments offer a unique opportunity to observe multiple worlds in a single glance — a stunning reminder of how we share the solar system with these distant neighbors. And no telescope needed. Just clear skies and a good viewing spot. However, if you do have access to a telescope, you can sometimes even catch all the planets in one night.

When Can I Watch?

If you love stargazing, stay tuned for the next full planetary alignment. Full disclosure though: You will have to wait for a while! The next one won't happen until 2040. To catch it and see as many planets as possible, head to a location with a clear view of the horizon and minimal light pollution.

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I've always felt a profound sense of awe when I look at the vast infinity of space. When did it all come from? Is there an end? Are we alone?
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