14 billion years ago,
there was nothing.
But then came…
the big
In the eons since, the cosmos filled with a wonderous range of things,

From quarks
to quasars.
And I stand in constant awe.
while the internet has all the facts and figures, it doesn’t capture the sheer joy of it all – the wonder that inspires.

So I made this site.  

And, of course, I don't travel alone…
meet the crew
HASHEM Al-Ghaili
I’m Hashem — a producer, filmmaker, and science communicator. I worked with the original From Quarks to Quasars team back in 2011, making images and other graphics, and I continue to help with design, social media content, and whatever else needs to get done. 

My flagship page has garnered more than 34 million followers on Facebook, and my original videos have been viewed over 20 billion times.   

In addition to producing videos for my social media pages, I released my first short film, “Simulation,” in 2019. It received awards and recognition at the Independent Shorts Awards, London Independent Film Awards, the Latitude Film Awards, The Philip K. Dick Film Festival, and others. My latest short film, "Hiroshima," was viewed over 120 million times across social media platforms. 

In 2023, I  wrote my first Sci-Fi Novel, “Simulation: The Great Escape,” and I’m currently finishing my first full-length feature film, “Orbital.” 

In addition to all of the above, I also use my background in science and technology to develop concept videos for the technologies of tomorrow, some of which include the Sky Cruise Flying Hotel and the world’s first artificial womb facility, EctoLife. I graduated from Jacobs University Bremen and obtained my Master’s Degree in Molecular Biology.
Sarah Marquart
Hi, I’m Sarah — I’m the editor and resident doodler on this crew. I spent my childhood watching midnight meteor showers, gazing at Jupiter through my dad’s telescope, and asking the unanswerable questions about our cosmic existence (what’s beyond the universe?). Thanks to this curiosity, I’ve spent my career telling the stories behind the groundbreaking research at the intersection of science and technology. 

I met the OSIRIS-REx craft before it traveled to Bennu and back, reported on SpaceX’s journey toward reusable rocket technology right from Launch Pad 39A, and broke the news on first-of-their-kind exoplanet discoveries. I was even part of the original From Quarks to Quasars team back in 2014. No matter the topic, my goal is to share my innate wonder about these marvels with the hope of inspiring passion in others.

When it’s time for a break from all things space, I spend my time hiking local waterfalls, working in my vegetable garden, volunteering at the SPCA, and painting.
Greetings! I’m Nurin, the writer behind most of the articles featured here. I’ve made it my life’s work to 1. hunt down the most compelling things in the universe 2. weave the discoveries I find along the way into stories that spark curiosity and wonder.

My journey didn’t start here, though. It began as a scientist, studying physics and biomedical engineering. But while I was deeply immersed in building telescopes, analyzing samples, and running simulations on supercomputers, I realized that: my true passion lay in telling the story of science. Now, I fuse my love for a good narrative with my background in science to dive into the many complexities of the universe and transform them into stories that you'll (hopefully) love.

When I’m not chasing leads, you might find me picking up a new hobby, searching for the perfect cup of coffee, or spending quality time with my dog Cara. Above all, I cherish the simple things in life – a cozy corner, my computer, a spicy bag of chips, and a handful of peach rings are my ingredients for a perfect day!

P.S. All the handwriting you see across the site? That’s mine 😉
Jolene creighton
Hello! I'm Jolene, and this is my site. I created it because I’m obsessed with the mysteries of our universe. Where did it come from? Does it have an end? Do we journey alone?

Ultimately, I think humans have the ability to unravel these mysteries. That’s why I made it my mission to explain the science of everything — from quarks to quasars (and everything in between). 

I initially created From Quarks to Quasars with friends back in 2011. We ran the site for 4 years and then moved on to other things. I decided to end the hiatus in 2021, as this little site has always been my greatest passion. 

When I'm not lost among the stars, I sprinkle my stardust on brands and businesses to help make them stellar (that’s a fancy way of saying that I do coaching and consulting and other glorious things). If you’d like to know more, the story continues…
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