Ethics Policy

My mission is to explain the science of everything — from quarks to quasars and all that lies in between. But the universe is already complicated enough. I don’t need to add misinformation, questionable promotional content, or other awful things to the mix. I want to do things right. 

So, in the interest of living up to that goal, here’s everything you need to know about where information comes from, how to contact me about issues, how the site is funded, and more.

Who owns this ship & how is it funded?

  • There’s just one captain and owner of this glorious ship – spoiler alert: it’s me (woo!)
  • I take full responsibility for everything that appears on the site. If there’s ever an issue with factual information or copyright or anything else, I’ll do my best to address it as soon as I’m made aware. You can contact me here.
  • There are no sponsors. I’m sure those of you who are worried about Big Oil and Big Tobacco just breathed a huge sigh of relief.   

  • There are no ads. I didn’t make space for them when I designed the site. That may have been a bad life choice. In any case, you don’t need to worry about spammy pop-ups (yay!). 

How do you keep the ship running ?

  • Give credit where credit is due: Links to sources are included whenever relevant. And all the various helper-people are listed on the 'About' page and in articles.
  • Maintenance is important: Sometimes things have to be updated if there's new info or (eep!) an error. If this happens, you’ll see a handy-dandy note that explains what changed and why. It’ll look something like, “NOTE: This article previously said…”
  • And you need reliable tools: AI systems are not reliable. At all. We never have it write our articles. We use our brains (they are far more reliable). 
  • Be transparent: If sources disagree (like how Astronomers and Planetary Scientists still don’t agree on what a planet is), it’s stated clearly.
  • Always share: We let people republish comics almost anywhere — so feel free! Just do so occasionally, don’t merchandise them, and include a link back to the original.
  • Finally, keep communication channels open: See something you like, something you hate, or something else entirely? Again, you can contact me here.

            Joelene creighton

            I’m a media and marketing expert with over a decade of experience in digital publishing. I craft voice, create processes, and can turn anything into a great story.
            CONTACT ME
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