These events offer a unique opportunity to witness the wonders of the solar system in real-time — and some of thephenomena won't happen again for decades. So, whether you're an avid stargazer or just enjoy the occasional night under the stars, March’s cosmic calendar is filled with must-see moments.

March 1-4: Final Chance to See the Planetary Alignment
The spectacular alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn continues for a few more days. Miss it now, and you won’t see it again until 2040.
March 14: Blood Worm Moon
A total lunar eclipse will turn the full Worm Moon a deep red, making for an eerie and unforgettable sight.
March 14-15: Meteor Shower Peak
A springtime meteor shower will streak across the sky, best seen under dark skies after midnight. The Gamma Normids (γ-Normids) is a weak meteor stream, but will be active from February 25 - March 28. So a couple of nights might provide a good show. They will peak the night of March 14-15.
March 18-21: Dual Visibility of Venus
Venus will be visible in both the morning and evening sky, a rare phenomenon caused by its position in orbit.
March 23: Saturn’s Rings “Disappear”
Saturn’s rings will appear edge-on from Earth, making them nearly invisible – a rare event that happens once every 15 years!
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse
The Moon will partially cover the Sun, creating a stunning celestial display. Don’t forget your eclipse glasses